Water Knowledge
There is a lot to know about the water we drink and use every day.
We’ll keep you educated on water quality, contaminants, trends, best practices, treatment technology, and more.
EPAs New Regulation on Forever Chemicals (PFAS)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has officially set safety standards for certain Forever Chemicals found in drinking water sources and in everyday products like nonstick cookware and stain-resistant fabrics. These chemicals, known as PFAS, pose significant health risks.
Water Contaminants: PFAS (Forever Chemicals)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as Forever Chemicals or PFAS are one of the most concerning health risks we are currently facing. It is in our drinking water and in innumerable sources in our environment. It persists in our water supply, never degrades, and its chemical make-up is resistant to heat, grease and water. Wherever these chemicals go — in the environment, or in our bodies — they will stay.
UV Sterilization 101 for drinking water
In this blog, we teach about how UV sterilization works by using ultraviolet light to dismantle the DNA of microscopic troublemakers. Bacteria, viruses, even protozoa don't stand a chance against the mighty power of UV rays.
Water Contaminant: E. coli
In this blog, we will delve into how E. coli contaminates our water, how to detect its presence, the health hazards it presents, and the methods employed to disinfect and reduce its prevalence in our water supply.
Water Contaminant: Antibiotics
Antibiotic contaminations in the environment pose human health risks including disturbing the microbiome in the human body and producing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotics have been detected in aquatic environments and drinking water all over the world.
Water Contaminant: Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Total dissolved solids (TDS) refer to the amount of inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water. These include a wide variety of substances, including minerals, salts, metals, and other organic and inorganic compounds.
Water Contaminant: Drinking-Water Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Drinking-water disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are a major concern for many households. These chemicals are formed when chlorine, the most commonly used disinfectant in municipal water systems, reacts with organic matter in the water.
Water Contaminant: Arsenic
The greatest threat to public health from arsenic originates from contaminated groundwater. Utah currently reports 371 water utilities serving over 3 million people that have arsenic contamination at toxic levels above health guidelines.
Longevity Systems: The difference is quality
What’s the key to long-lasting systems that remove all water contaminants without filters and chemicals? Our innovative technology and the quality of our media and components! From the tanks and resin beads to the prep systems we use in extreme contamination situations, we are committed to using the highest quality components.
Utah well water contaminants
As a private well owner, you are responsible for the safety and quality of your well water. But many of our well water users aren’t aware of the most common contaminants in their water and how to properly treat their water to make it drinkable, healthy, and pure. We’ve researched the most common contaminants found in rural well water, including those from agricultural & livestock operations, industrial run-off, landfills, and urban waste.
How hard water damages your hair and skin
Your hair and skin deserve to be cared for. We all know a bad hair day can make or break your week, and dry skin in the hot desert heat is miserable. If you’re soaking up hard Utah water every time you shower, you’re fighting an uphill battle to stay moisturized.